Elchin Karimov, Zohre Xalilzad, Paniz Hobbi, Jamil Alekperov


The main objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of Azerbaijan honey, verifying their compliance with international standards. Honey samples used in the research represent main honey producing regions of Azerbaijan. The physico-chemical characteristics of 29 from the 53 honey samples (54 % of all samples) analyzed in this study completely agree with the European Commission and the Codex Alimentarius indicating adequate processing, good maturity and freshness. 15 samples (28 % of all samples) did not meet characteristics established in European and Codex standards relative to the diastase activity (min. 8 Schade units), although the other physico-chemical parameters were within the range of the allowable limits. In the 53 samples analyzed, the HMF content is quite elevated 4 samples (less than 8 % of all samples) exceed the limit of 40 mg/kg, and 34 samples (64 % of all samples) show values lower than 10 mg/kg, which are typical of fresh unheated honeys, according to the current quality criteria. 2 samples (4 % of all samples) show a fructose + glucose content lower than 60 g/100g, only both of the same samples exceed the value of 5 g/100g for sucrose. 7 samples (13% of all samples) show the protein values below 0.1%.


Azerbaijani honey, chemical composition, quality of honey, water content, sugar content

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