This study sought to assess the implications of policy on the cocoa and pineapple value chains in Ghana. Using the multiple case study design approach, the study was derived from analyses of documents and interviews with different actors in the two case studies with emphasis on the value chain as a whole. The intention was to obtain the perceptions, knowledge and behaviors and their bases of the actors as perceived and interpreted in their own context. Results showed that policy environment that promoted public sector leadership in value chain functions and service provision, offered fewer incentives for smallholder producers in the value chain to translate their challenges into innovative behaviors. The study further showed stronger desire on the part of actors in the pineapple value chain to forge linkages and interact more strongly. This had translated into making service provision to the value chain more demand-driven and pluralistic. The study makes a case for greater space for private sector involvement in value chain functions and service provision, which is more likely to offer the platform for more interactive learning towards systems innovation
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