Optimization of the production of five (05) onion varieties tested at different doses of organic and mineral fertilizers in the Far North Cameroon.

Dérik P. Sakatai, Wassouo F. Alain, Lazare Ndouvahad, Olina B.J. Paul, Abdou B. Armand


In the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Cameroon, the production of dry-season onion bulbs contributes substantially to improving the incomes of small producers in rural areas. However, improving the technical practice is one of the major challenges to boosting the yield of the onion crop through the identification of the best fertilizer according to the type of soil. Experiments were conducted at three sites (Godola, Mayo-kalio and Koza) tested 05 onion varieties at three doses of 13 fertilizers in a split-plot design. The data collected were analyzed using XLSTAT software. The determination of the best combinations of inputs for the best activities (treatments) was carried out using GAMS software. The results of the study showed on the Mayo-kalio site (clay-sandy textural classification), all yields have increased (increasing return to scale) following the three doses for the majority of fertilizers applied to the Safari variety, its highest potential yield in t/ha is 74.02t/ha with the dose of 700kg/ha of NPK of the FM3 formulation. Finally, on the Koza site (sandy-clay textural classification), the highest average yield (54.81t/ha) was obtained at a dose of 175kg/ha of FM9 (21-8-12-2MgO+2.7S+2.5CaO) applied to the landrace variety compared to other varieties tested. By comparing the three test sites, the marginal productivity relative to capital for the purchase of fuels and lubricants (1.431fcfa for the dose of 175kg/ha); the related cost for the purchase of seeds (6.764FCFA; 6.809 FCFA respectively at doses of 350 kg/ha and 700kg/ha of 12-14-19-3.5MgO-0.15B) are the most important resources in the production of onion bulbs on the Mayo-kalio site. The marginal productivity generated with the best combinations of production inputs was obtained with D1*y1*FM3 treatments; D2*y3*FM3 and D3*y4*FM3 which are the best activities on the Mayo-kalio site. Biochemical analyses and disease incidence of onion culture would be required.


Optimization; Onion; Fertilizers; Marginal productivity; Far North; Cameroon


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