Farmers knowledge regarding safe handling and application of pesticides in rice crop

Muhammad Shoaib, Khalid Mahmood Ch., Ijaz Ashraf, Nadeem Akbar


Rice is one of the leading food crops in Pakistan and we conducted this study to explore farmers knowledge regarding the safe handling and application of pesticides on rice crop in rice growing district Shiekhupura of Punjab province. A total of 381 randomly selected rice growers were interviewed using a structured, validated and reliable interview schedule administered face-to-face. Collected data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results revealed that 58.5% of respondents were aged between 36 and 50 years, 25.2% o had completed middle-level education,40.4% had more than 25 acres of land, 60.9% were owners of their land and 50.6% had farming experience of 6-10 years. Around 45% reported not considering wind direction while spraying and 66% used mud/soil to clean their hands post-pesticide application. Around 73,2, 66.1 and 73.2% reported the use of goggles, 66.7% trouser suit, 66.1% face masks, 65.4% used boots and 6.6% used overalls for their safety.  This study indicates an average level of knowledge and use of Personnel protective equipment (PPEs) against pesticides. However, there is still room to create awareness among those who are not utilizing the PPEs. Along with the dissemination of advisory services through group meetings, and the dissemination of information related to the safe use of pesticides the potential of social media platform and mainstream media can be used. 


Knowledge level; Handling; Application; Pesticides; PPE; Rice


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.011.03.3672


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