Ahmad A. Mengal, Shahida Habib


Present study was conducted to determine the Human Resource Development (HRD) imperatives or trends in provincial agricultural extension advisory services and education in order to identify the perceptions and paradigms. A skilled and trained worker is commonly acknowledged as one of the greatest and essential asset for any organizations. Present study was carried out in Quetta district, Baluchistan purposively by reason of proximity of core agriculture extension activities, educational actions and time available with the researchers. Keeping in the view the characteristics of the population one hundred (100) respondents were constituted as the target population by using simple random sampling. The results revealed that most (44%) of the respondents were of age between 31 to 40 years followed by more than half (54%) respondents holding degree of B.Sc. Significant differences in the perceptions of respondents were checked in nine (9) out of fourteen (14) categories about HRD imperatives or trends by using ANOVA. Further, significant differences were also observed in eight (8) out of fourteen (14) statements about HRD imperatives or trends by using t-test. Present HRD model elaborate the interventions and significances for extending HRD efforts about need assessment with the term of discourse a wide-ranging issues within organization. Based on results following recommendations were suggested. Generally, there is an information gap between public extension and academia which should be bridged by means of operative HRD efforts and holistic approaches it is therefore recommended that conference, workshop, seminar and exhibition should be carried out so as to promote the sharing of new technology.


Baluchistan, Extension, Human resource development, Pakistan, Perception.


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