Exploration of Resistance and Susceptibility in Chilli Varieties/Advanced Lines against Fusarium Wilt Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. capsici (FOC)
Chilli (Capsicum annum L.) is a popular edible spice crop grown in tropical areas around the world due to its high nutrient content, which includes carotenoids, fibers, mineral components, oils, proteins, and vitamins. Several biotic and abiotic factors are challenging devastatingly the successful production of chilli. Among these, fusarium wilt is caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. capsici (Foc.) is a potential risk of declining its yield every year. The use of resistant varieties is considered the best option to cope Foc. For this purpose, twenty-five varieties/advanced lines of chilli were evaluated against Fusarium wilt under natural field conditions for two years consecutive years 2017-18 and 2018-19 under randomized complete block design (RCBD). Results exhibited that none of the varieties/advanced lines expressed immune response against the disease. Only one variety (BPVLC 14-1) was resistant with 18.76% disease incidence. Uttal, Fengaio, Glaxy-2, Big daddy, GHHP 01, PH-275, Super sky AB, HPO33, and Super king were found moderately resistant (MR) with 21-40% disease incidence. Four varieties/advanced lines viz. Hot-701, Hotshot, Omega, and Silkey Red showed a moderately susceptible response (MS) with 41-50% and Four (Super hot, Patiala F1, Angel F1, and Green King) were susceptible (S) with 51-70% incidence of Fusarium wilt. Seven (Tejal, BSS-410, Big Red AB, SB 6864-HM, Glory F1, Revival, and Amber F1) varieties / advanced lines exhibited highly susceptible (HS) response.
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DOI: 10.33687/phytopath.011.01.4148
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