Mary W. Kiarie


The road to provision of educational and other services to individuals with disabilities the world over has been long. From intolerance and extermination, most world communities are now at an age where such phrases as “empowerment” “equal rights”, and “self-determination”, among others, are very significant in handling issues of education and employment for people with disabilities. However, there is not much literature on services for students with physical and/or other disabilities in Kenya. While this paper sheds light on this area of education, it also adds to the meager literature available on educating students with physical disabilities in Kenya. It focuses on identification, assessment, and current educational placement and services for this population. It begins with a brief review of the history of services for students with physical disabilities and discusses assessment, placement options and current services, and vocational and rehabilitative services available for this group of individuals. The article concludes with an overview of the various obstacles that preclude effective educational services for these children and youth in the country.


Disability, students, Kenya, education, national special needs education policy framework

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