Mumuni B. Yidana, Raheem A. Lawal


This study developed a set of core professional identity indicators to which professional Economics teachers and Economics teacher educators in Ghana responded in order to determine their validity as components of the Economics teachers’ professional identity in relation to their ideal professional capacity. In specific terms, the study investigated opinions of respondents on the importance attached to the rubrics of teachers’ professional capacity as well as differences in opinion on the importance placed on indicators of teachers’ professional knowledge, values, skills and reflective practice. The study was a descriptive type which employed the survey method. The study sample comprised 751 professional Economics teachers and 125 Economics teacher educators who were selected through the simple random sampling technique. One self- developed instrument, Questionnaire on Senior High School Economics Teachers’ Identity (QSHSETI) was used and a reliability index of 0.96 was obtained. The data were analyzed using mean and the independent sample t-test. There are three paradigmatic levels for considering teachers’ identity. They are the ideal paradigm as shown in Figure 1, the implementable paradigm as obtained by the researcher-developed instrument, and finally the perceived or realistic paradigm based on the consensus of Economics teacher educators and Economics teachers. The findings of this study revealed discrepancies in opinion between the perceived competency and ideal targets of Economics teacher educators and that of Economics teachers. Curriculum development in Economics teacher education should therefore aim at bridging the gap between the ideal competency targets and the perceived or core competency targets.  The study concluded that, teacher education policy makers should support continuous capacity-building programs among Economics teachers and Economics teacher educators


Economics teacher; economics teacher educator; professional capacity; curriculum development

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