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Vandenabeele, Joke, KU Leuven - Laboratory for Education and Society,
Vdovenko, Larysa O., Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia
Veeranna, Kandenahalli C., Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education, Veterinary College, Shivamogga, Karnataka
Veloso, Bruna S., Department of Nutrition and Animal Production, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo,
Vihol, David P., Department of Home science Extension and Communication Management, Aspee College of Homescience & Nutrition, S.D. Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar Gujarat
Vinichenko, Igor I., Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro
Vivcharenko, Oleh A., Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk
Vivcharenko, Oleh, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk,
Vodouhê, Davo S., Department of Economics, Social-Anthropology and Communication for Rural Development (DESAC), Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi,
Voloshchuk, Vladyslav V., Kherson State Agrarian University, Kherson,
Vyshenvska, Yuliia, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv
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