Elliot F. Zwane, Phineas K. Chauke


This paper focuses on extension policies and deliverables in extension. It investigates the influence of such policies to the positive output of extension in Sub-Saharan Africa and further discusses the meaning of policy, policy formation process and extension. The methodology used is literature reviews from books, internet search by Google, some virtual portal of Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services and other peer reviewed journal articles. The objective of the paper is to analyze critically the policy intervention in terms of its influence towards delivering the goal of extension. The findings suggest that most of the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa do not have legislated policies. The latter creates a challenge related to the strengthening of extension services. The paper concludes with a recommendation that agricultural extension should be taken as a key in assisting its clients to be capacitated in dealing with issues of sustainability and food security. It also encourages all countries in Sub Sahara Africa to develop agricultural extension policies that guide the implementation of accountable programmes to their clients.


Extension, agricultural policy, legislation


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