Bangladesh is decorated with a lot of rivers and tributaries across her deltaic plains, in which aquaculture is a potential sector to meet dietary needs of protein. The main objective of this study was to assess the knowledge level on aquaculture practices by the fish farmers. The study was conducted in Kahaloo and Sherpur upazilas of Bogra district. Respondent fish farmers were selected using proportionate random sampling technique. Quantitative data was collected using predesigned interview schedule. knowledge on “stocking ratio of fishes of carp poly culture”, “recommended dose of lime”, “application of fertilizers”, “components fish in carp poly culture”, “harmful effect of contaminated water”, “recommended pesticide for removing undesirable fish species” was good enough over other arena of knowledge regarding aquaculture practices. Overwhelming majority of the respondents had low to medium overall mean knowledge on fish culture. Age, education, use of information sources, farm size, fish farming area, annual family income, commercialization, social participation and innovativeness of the respondents had a positive and significant relationship with the knowledge of the respondents. Characteristics of respondent’s viz. use of information sources, education and annual family income were the best predictors and overall contribution variation to the total explained variation in case of knowledge regarding aquaculture practices. The study recommends was that modern technology and its compatibility, viability and application need to telecast frequently in order to generate knowledge on fish farming technology to the relevant farmers.
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