A study was conducted during Rabi 2009-10 and 2010-11 to increase the productivity of isabgol (Plantago ovata), an important cash crop in western Rajasthan during Rabi season. A high yielding isabgol variety RI 89 was evaluated at farmer’s field under Front line demonstration programme (FLD’s). Fifty demonstrations (Twenty in 2009-10 and thirty in 2010-11) were conducted at farmer’s field against traditional or farmers practice in Barmer district of Rajasthan. Grain yield of Isabgol variety RI 89 under improved practices was 8.25 q/ha and 8.32q/ha and increased significantly by 27 and 25 per cent over farmers practice during 2009-10 and 2010-11, respectively. The farmers gains an additional return of Rs 6713/- and 6050/- against an additional investment of Rs 1500/- and 2300/- during 2009-10 and 2010-11, respectively. During this period extension activity like field days, farmer’s trainings, distribution of literature, short messages services, diagnostic visits etc. were taken to provide instance benefit to the farmers. During extension activities particularly field days, another study was conducted to find out the gaps in adoption of improved practices for further improvement and refinement in the technology, objectives of FLD’s. Most of farmers welcomed the technology but availability of inputs like improved seeds, plant protection particularly seed treatment chemicals, non-shedding variety, high cost of inputs were found major constraints behind lower cost of produce just after harvest.
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