Magoro M. David, Hlungwani S. Samuel


Agricultural Extension in 21st century anticipated to be surrounded with challenges infer to the contributions in the process of agriculture development and transformation into sustainable ways. Therefore, various extension and advisory services need new capacities in order to address the current challenges which will enable them to contribute meaningfully to better the agricultural innovation. To perform these roles extension needs new capacities at individual, organizational and enabling system environmental levels. This paper seeks to reflect on the role agricultural extension can play in agriculture development. It also  looks at how best the three spheres  of government can play a role in insuring that policies relevant to addressing the needs of our farmers are considered  and that conducive environment are put in place for extension personnel to effectively provide services to our farmers. The paper reviewed and assessed the role of agricultural extensionists and extension services from systems perspective approach. It emanated from the conference papers presented from district conferences. The paper outlines the approaches the extensionists need to understand in order for them to achieve their objectives. It also highlights the key important elements for future direction. Furthermore, the paper concludes by recommending complete participatory agriculture innovation systems. 


Extension service, agricultural extensionists, agriculture development, approach


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