Gabriel Peña, Maria E. Martinez, Cecilia Calderón, Rodrigo D.L. Barra


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an extension plan on the rate of adoption of technological practices in small-scale livestock producers, the modi operandi of the producers in terms of the technological practices they use and the effects on the system productivity. A hundred and one small-scale sheep farmers were included in the study. A survey with 36 closed questions was performed in September 2010 and repeated in December 2012. Five indicators of productivity were constructed, and the use of technological fifteen practices for sheep production in the study area was recorded. After analyzing and comparing data, it was found that the extension plan executed modified the set of technological practices used by sheep producers of this territory. It was also seen that the frequency of use of all technological practices evaluated set a "fingerprint" pattern that can be used as an identifier of technological management formats within a group of producers. In addition, extension generated homogenization of the productivity indicators, although notable differences between groups in the number and frequency of technological practices persisted, which greatly favored the lower technological complexity groups, to the detriment of more technologies producers. Finally, the extension plan improved the average productivity as a result of effective incorporation of technological practices that were not used or were used at low frequencies. These practices constitute an increase of structural capital of the farmers involved


Extension, know-how, small-scale farmers


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