Relevance and determinants of farm mechanization in the diverse geographic context of Nepal
This study assessed the overall scenario of mechanization in different ecological zones of Nepal and identified determinants of mechanization. A perception-based semi-structured questionnaire survey was conducted in four districts, each in Terai and Hills of Lumbini province, Nepal. Index ranking method and descriptive statistics were used to rank farmers' perceptions of factors affecting adoption, problems, and the impact of mechanization. A multiple linear regression model (OLS) was used to analyze determinants of farm mechanization, and the model was tested for normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity. The average machinery used per household in the study area was 1.68, and 58% of the machinery purchased was in grant support from the government. Extension service is a major source of information for adoption, and cost reduction is a major reason for using machines in farming. Most surveyed farmers responded that cost has decreased and production has increased with the use of machinery. Pollution, repair and maintenance, fuel supply, and lack of training are the few problems associated with mechanization. The study showed that the provision of subsidy, ecological zone (Terai region), total land, economically active members in the household, and distance from extension service were positively significant. In contrast, family size and membership in groups and cooperatives were negatively significant with the adoption of farm machinery. Effective extension service, Grant support program, establishment of custom hiring center, distribution of woman-friendly machines, and establishment of service centers in remote areas along with distributing machines recommended by the research center are important recommendations for enhancing the adoption of mechanization.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.012.002.5237
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