Evaluation of eight (08) seeding densities of fifteen (15) accessions of Bambara groundnut (vigna subterranea l. verdcourt) in Far North-Cameroon
This study aims to identify between eight seeding densities based on fifteen accessions of Bambara groundnut to determine the best seeding densities in Far North Cameroon. The experimental design is a factorial block that includes eight seeding densities applied to fifteen accessions of Bambara groundnut, repeated four times. The treatments are combinations between accessions of Bambara groundnut and seeding densities. Total 480 experimental units were used for data collection. The trials were conducted successively over three years (2016, 2017, and 2018). The data collected were analyzed with Genstat Statistical Package, 12th edition software. The results show significant variations between the fifteen accessions of Bambara groundnut and within the eight seeding densities tested. High seeding densities (40x20cm; 40x25cm) made it possible to get better yields in terms of the average number of pods, and average weight of pods and seeds. For the average weight of seeds during the three years of cultivation: 26,66%; 40% and 53,33% accessions presented better yields at D1 (125 000 plants/ha); followed by D2 (100 000 plants/ha) which also presented during the three years of cultivation: 6,67%; 33,34% and 33,34% accessions with better yields in average seed weight. Thus, density 1 (125000 plants/ha) and density 2 (100000 plants/ha) corresponding respectively to spacings of 40cmx20cm and 40cmx25cm made it possible to group more accessions presenting better yields in terms of an average number of pods, the average weight of pods and seeds. Highly statistically significant interactions between seedling densities and accessions of Bambara groundnut are observed; suggesting that the performance of a density also depends on that of the accession.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.012.02.5151
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