Analysis of effective communication pathways with special focus on ICTs for agricultural information delivery: a case study of district Faisalabad, Pakistan
Information sharing among farmers can occur through various communication channels facilitated by local networks and institutions. While developed countries have recognized the value of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and continue to enhance their ICT tools, the efficient utilization of ICTs in agriculture has yet to be fully embraced and developed. Given the multitude of communication pathways available for agricultural information dissemination, it was imperative to identify and analyze the most effective channels, particularly focusing on ICTs, for delivering agricultural information in District Faisalabad. The study involved interviewing 110 farmers using a structured questionnaire in face-to-face sessions. The collected data was subsequently analyzed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) computer software. Results revealed that traditional media outlets such as radio and television remain highly favored by farmers, emphasizing their enduring significance in rural information dissemination. However, the study also highlights the comparatively lower preferences for certain traditional channels like newspapers and direct interactions with extension agents. Conversely, modern communication pathways such as agricultural websites and email show promise but still face challenges in garnering widespread adoption among farmers.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.012.001.5095
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