EcoGrowAdviser: Organic fertiliser recommendation system to enhance organic fertilization process - a case from Sri Lankan farming industry
Most farmers heavily rely on inorganic fertilizers to boost crop yields. However, inorganic fertilizers severely negatively affect the environment and human health. Inorganic fertilizers contribute to soil, air, and water pollution and, in some cases, can lead to diseases such as cancer and chronic kidney ailments. The adoption of organic fertilizers can mitigate adverse environmental impacts while improving the quality and healthiness of soil and agricultural produce. However, very limited studies have been conducted on using organic fertilizers, especially with the application of information technology in developing countries like Sri Lanka. Therefore, in this study, developed an Internet of Things (IoT) device to capture the Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium levels in the soil and a system to recommend farmers prepare the soil for high yield based on the crop types and age of the crop. The application EcoGrowAdviser was developed as a case-based study. The study was conducted in a selected suburb area in Sri Lanka's Colombo district. The researcher conducted a comprehensive literature review. Other than that, to understand the existing situation, a pre-survey was conducted after identifying 10 Subject Matter Experts. The system was tested using 20 Twenty farmers located in the Colombo suburb areas. The system faces limitations such as a restricted selection of natural sources, limited crop coverage, and farmers' insufficient knowledge of organic fertilizers. Integrating technological advancements like pH, humidity, moisture sensors, and zonal soil analysis are future improvements for this system to refine fertilizer recommendations.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.012.001.5030
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