Sustainable agriculture and livelihood outcomes: evidence from farmers organizations in Tubah sub-division, Cameroon
Agriculture is the main economic sector in most developing countries and accounts for more than 50% of the population. Low agricultural productivity, which is due to unsustainable agricultural practices, is a major negative contributor to farmers' livelihoods. The continuous use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides has led to low agricultural productivity, low soil fertility, unfavorable economic returns, and food poisoning due to unsustainable agricultural practices. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the effects of sustainable agriculture on livelihoods outcomes of farmers organizations in Cameroon. The data was elicited via survey questionnaire administered on the sample of 114 registered and 88 unregistered farmer organizations comprised of common initiative groups and cooperatives giving a total sample of 202. Using cluster sampling approach, proximity villages were grouped into four clusters of villages and stratified sampling was then used to selected members of the organizations to participated in the study. We used instrumental variable least square two stage and control function regression estimation techniques. Results revealed that sustainable agriculture have a negative significant contribution to the livelihood of farmer organisations to the tune of 21.1%. The negative contribution is explained in the usage of overdose chemical fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides as instruments of agricultural sustainability. This study recommended that policies directed towards agricultural sustainability should be soil nutrients and water friendly such as the use of organic fertilizer, bio pesticides, to reduce the negative effect of unsustainable agricultural practices on livelihood of farmers in Cameroon. It is therefore necessary to promote and adopt organic fertilizers on farms by farmer, bio pesticides and encourage farming methods such as crop rotation that maintain the soil fertility.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.012.001.4955
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