An assessment of production issues of oilseed crops in Sindh province of Pakistan
Pakistan is the third-largest importer of edible oil in the world after petroleum and machinery. Only 14% of the necessary oil is produced domestically in Pakistan, which is insufficient to meet the country's rising need for edible oils. A study was carried out with 300 farmers to examine the production of oilseed crops and their marketing challenges in Sindh province. According to the report, the oilseed crops grown by the respondents were mustard and sunflower, with mustard being more popular. The cultivated land was 41.82 acres larger than the average farm size of 46.76 acres, indicating a high cropping intensity. The average yields of oilseed crops were, however, lower than those of other crops, and farmers were especially concerned about the prices of oilseed crops. Based on the survey results, suggestions were made to increase the profitability of oilseed crops for farmers, including the provision of reasonably priced hybrid seeds, advancements in production technology, greater rates of output, the introduction of oilseed crop support pricing, and better water management. Additionally, it was advised to target coastal farmers for non-traditional oilseed crops, supply inputs for growing on uncultivated lands, and identify cropping zones for oilseed production.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.011.002.4831
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