Influence of cultural norms and traditions on food insecurity among small-scale farmers in marmanet ward, laikipia county, Kenya

Maina A. Nyambura, Muiruri Philomena, Mbuthia Susan


This study sought to determine how cultural norms and traditions influence food insecurity among small-scale farmers in Marmanet ward, Laikipia County, Kenya. The study used a cross-sectional research design to get data from the study area, as this allowed both dependent and independent variables to be measured at the same time using a single questionnaire. The target population was 8158 farmers. Using Yamane’s formula, a sample size of 381 small-scale farmers was obtained from Marmanet ward using a systematic random sampling technique. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and a multiple linear regression model was used to test the hypothesis at 5% level of significance. Statistical Package for Social Science was used in data analysis. Therefore, the null hypothesis was Cultural norms and traditional factors have no significant influence on food insecurity among rural households was rejected. The findings of the study were cultural norms and traditional factors significantly (p<0.05) influence food insecurity among rural households in Marmanet ward, Laikipia County. The study recommends that decision-making should be a collective responsibility of husband and wife to reduce financial and resource wastage because of poor decision-making thus boosting food security status. The results imply that extension agents need to address the cultural and traditional factors. 



Influence; cultural norms; traditions; food insecurity; small-scale farmers; Kenya


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.011.001.4492


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