Tahir M. Butt, Han Zhenguob, Salman L. Butt, Muhammad Z.Y. Hassan


Mostly it happens that males are acknowledged everywhere for their world specially role in agriculture. Participation of rural women is very little to register in the official papers of government in spite of their extended role in the on-farm and off-farm activities. Moreover, all these activities are also restricted by rural customs, traditions and values for the women. Women are not behind them as women also used to do tedious work in agriculture. Women have remarkable role in poultry farming on home level. In this regard, present study was planned to assess the need of extension education services for the rural women regarding poultry education. Through multistage sampling technique 750 respondents were selected from the entire district. Data were collected through interview schedule. Findings revealed mean age of the respondents was 33.84 while educational level was below the mark as 59.89% respondents were illiterate who never attended the school. Overwhelming majority showed their desire of getting extension service for the better productivity of poultry products. Lack of self-confidence, Social security, social conflicts and poor dissemination of information on media were the prominent contains of the women in the study area. Study recommended that there is dire need of extension services provision to these women. In the perspective, more female extension field staff should be recruited for the maximum effectiveness of poultry services.


Poultry, Agricultural Education, Extension Services, Rural Women, Pakistan


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