Study on farmers' perception on climate change: a systematic literature review
Climate change and its impacts are being felt around the world. Farmer perception tends to influence their coping and adaptation strategies. This review aimed to examine the contributions of studies on farmer perceptions to climate change through a systematically review of the scientific literature. The search strategy was adapted to the Scopus database using the search terms "Farmers’ perception” AND “climate change.” The selection criteria were based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analyses approach. The review was conducted based on 48 peer-reviewed articles, selected after evaluating each article against inclusion and exclusion criteria. Key findings from the data showed that participants were aware of the climate's changing in 81.25% of the articles reviewed. The review results also identified limitations highlighting the gaps in the existing literature regarding the aims and scope of the journals and the methods used in the articles.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.010.03.4111
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