Determinants of training needs of the tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) fish farmers: an empirical study from a selected area in Bangladesh
Capacity building of fish farmers is inevitable for profitable fish farming. This research was undertaken primarily to identify the factors influencing the training requirements of tilapia fish farmers and to assess the level of training required for optimal farm management. Thus, the research was conducted in Phulpur Upazila (sub-district) under the Mymensingh district of Bangladesh. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 100 randomly selected tilapia fish farmers using a pre-tested questionnaire. The training needs of tilapia fish farmers were measured using a four-point rating scale. The overwhelming majority (99%) of the respondents reported high training needs. Determination of mono-sex tilapia, a non-probiotic and probiotic fish production, and production techniques of mono-sex tilapia were identified as significant areas of training needs. Linear multiple regressions confirmed that level of education, experience in fish farming, training received, extension media contact and social mobility were the statistically significant determinants (P<0.05) of the training needs for the tilapia fish farmers. The high cost of fish feed, unavailability of extension service, and high fertilizer costs were identified as the major problems faced by the respondents. Respective authorities, especially the Department of Fisheries (DoF), should emphasize initiating capacity-building programs for the farmers, considering the identified training needs and problems. In addition, providing training, ensuring the availability of credits at low-interest rate, supply inputs for tilapia culture for improving tilapia fish farming could facilitate the farmers.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.10.03.4063
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