Yield and quality assessment of grapevine cultivar Sultnina at different geographic locations of Punjab, Pakistan
The yield potential of Grape is heavily dependent on climatic and various other edaphic factors. The present study is focused on the adaptability of Spanish grapes variety Sultanina in comparison with commercial cultivar Abassin in different regions of Punjab for further recommendation to local farmers to get better yield and profitability. Propagation material as cuttings of Sultanina was imported from Spain in 2012. Vines of Sultanina and Abbasin were planted at a distance of 6×10 feet during the year 2013 at six locations in different regions of Punjab to evaluate adaptability and yield potential. The present study aims at evaluating the performance of the new variety Sultanina against Abbasin based on berry physical and quality traits. Sultanina performed better in the highlands of Punjab with average cluster weight (292.46g), appearance (7.1) average fruit yield (11.67 kg/Plant), shelf life (92.34 Hr) and acidity (0.30%) were highest in Chakwal Region (CHK-I and II), while TSS (20.04%) were observed higher in hotter regions of RYK and BWP. Sultanina is better adapted in highlands of Punjab such as Chakwal and Attock regions and hence it is recommended for better yield and quality.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.010.01.3953
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