Stakeholders’ interests and emerging resource use conflicts in apiculture in West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania
The study aims to generate a knowledge base for effective governance of natural resources management by farmers from which lessons could be drawn for guiding appropriate natural resources management intervention. Data were collected using household questionnaires, Checklists for focus group discussions key informants’ interviews and participant observation. Beekeeping households were sampled purposively while non-beekeeping households were sampled randomly. Quantitative data collected were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistical analyses with the use of logistic regression analysis. Qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. Results showed that the majority of small-scale beekeepers (73%) were driven by economic interests rather than natural resource management and conservation. The results further reveal that a large group of individual farmers need to be mobilized into beekeepers’ groups to accommodate natural resource conservation objectives. The most prevalent conflicts in the study area were between farmers practising apiculture and fellow farmers (74%), followed by beekeepers and neighbours (16%). Stakeholders’ diverging interests in apiculture were significantly influenced by marital status, major economic activities, household size, and educational level (p<0.05). We conclude that economic interests override conservation and natural resources management, therefore efforts should be geared towards mobilizing small-scale beekeepers into beekeeping groups where it can be possible to accommodate natural resources conservation objectives, thereby mitigating the effects of diverging interests and resource use conflicts. We recommend that other stakeholders such as faith-based organizations, and research and training institutes be mobilised by the local government to facilitate the inclusion of individual beekeepers into different forms of association where it can be possible to accommodate conservation objectives.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.011.002.3914
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