Logistics approaches to stabilization and development of tourism activities during the pandemic

Yevhen Aloshynskyi, Natalia Remzina, Oleksandr Tregubov, Valentyna Shevchenko, Igor Britchenko


The relevance of the problem under study is stipulated by the need to stabilize the market for tourist services in existing restrictions caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The purpose of the research: The purpose of the article is to develop integrated measures for the formation of transport and logistics clusters to increase the synergetic effect of the proposed activities aimed at raising the mobility level of potential consumers of tourist services. Methods of the research: The main research methods include predicting and simulating; they make it possible to consider the problem of forming the package of tourist and transport services as a process of targeted monitoring and optimization of tourist routes. Results of the research: The article presents the concept of the creation of the network of transport and tourist clusters in Poland and its functioning; large rail carriers are the core of the clusters. Practical significance: The proposed models for the formation of a package of tourist services are aimed at increasing the synergetic effect for all cluster participants, as well as at the development of tourist activities during the pandemic.


COVID-19; Tourism; Cluster; Prediction; Logistics


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.010.00.3890


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