Specific characteristics of seaports development in the context of digitalization: international experience and conclusions

Elena Chuprina, Yuliia Zahorodnia, Olha Petrenko, Igor Britchenko, Oleksii Goretskyi


The article focuses on the study of specific characteristics of seaports development under conditions of digitalization. The article aims to study features of the development of the international seaport under digitalization to implement the best achievements in Ukraine. The main research method was a systemic-structural approach used to examine seaport digitalization as a part of a logistics chain, including horizontal and vertical links between its elements. To achieve an effective digital transformation, we also used the above method. It helped to study how the factors determined during the study of international practices and possible innovations influence the object under study. The practices, which are of interest for Ukraine and other developing countries, were identified based on the international experience in seaports development under digitalization. The main strategic directions for the digital transformations of the above infrastructural objects were suggested. They involve increasing seaport competitiveness and their effectiveness in the framework of the international transport system. The directions are of interest for public authorities of the governmental and regional levels (while establishing the digitalization policy in the area of sea transport) and the port administrations (while making justified strategic decisions for their development).


development; digital transformations; infrastructural object; international experience; transport system


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.010.00.3879


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Copyright (c) 2022 Elena Chuprina, Yuliia Zahorodnia, Olha Petrenko, Igor Britchenko, Oleksii Goretskyi

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