Exploratory factor analysis of the perceived constraints affecting rice farmers of kano river irrigation (KRIP) kano state, Nigeria
To empirically factor out the perceived constraints affecting rice production in the Kano River Irrigation Project Kano State, Nigeria, the current study used cross-sectional data collected through a semi-structured questionnaire complemented by an interview schedule from 217 rice farmers selected via a multi-stage sampling technique in 2020. High input cost, inadequate training, unreliable water supply, waterlogging, and insufficient credit were identified as significant risk factors affecting rice production in the research area. In addition, the orthogonal rotation took into account ten restrictions impacting rice cultivation in the examined area: technical, biological, insect infestation, output price, marketing, extension, flooding, credit, soil, and health. As a result, the study suggests that a market economy be developed, corruption be reduced, and policy design and implementation be transparent. Project management and other stakeholders should empower farmers through training and workshops to operate and maintain their irrigation schemes through WUAs. It is also critical for the government to supply and subsidize farm inputs, low-cost finance, and other agricultural services, such as rice marketing chains, production diversification, and other agricultural services.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.009.03.3789
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