Mechanisms for the Development of the Agricultural Sector in the Economic Security of the State

Oksana V. Pronina, Iryna P. Dynnyk, Iryna V. Lazebna, Lina M. Shchurevych, Olena M. Krapko


The article explored the problems of formation and improvement of mechanisms to ensure the development of the agricultural sector in the state's economic security system. It has been found that today socio-economic transformations actualize the urgent need to improve scientific and methodological research and development on the creation and implementation of an effective state agrarian policy, as well as the development of innovative management decisions to ensure and accelerate the development of the agricultural sector to strengthen the general economic security system of Ukraine. Approaches to the definition of the category “economic security of the state” were summarized and a refined definition was provided. A universal and effective mechanism for ensuring the development of the agricultural sector in the system of economic security of the state has been developed, the functioning of which, in turn, is directly dependent on internal and external destabilizing factors and will be based on the improvement of three interconnected mechanisms: strengthening the food security of the state; increasing investment attractiveness by introducing an innovative component; optimization of agricultural sector financial support. The differences and interrelationships of the types of destabilizing factors affecting the economic security of the agricultural sector were analyzed and it was concluded that all these factors can both negatively affect the entire economic security system in the agricultural sector and be areas of constant improvement. Block proposals for strengthening the food security of the state are described. It has been proved that to be able to develop and implement these innovative methods requires significant investment injections from both the state and Ukrainian investors, as well as external investments on favorable conditions for agricultural sector entities. Proposals on optimization of financial support of the agricultural sector in the changing conditions of the present are presented.

The article explored the problems of formation and improvement of mechanisms to ensure the development of the agricultural sector in the state's economic security system. It has been found that today socio-economic transformations actualize the urgent need to improve scientific and methodological research and development on the creation and implementation of an effective state agrarian policy, as well as the development of innovative management decisions to ensure and accelerate the development of the agricultural sector to strengthen the general economic security system of Ukraine. Approaches to the definition of the category “economic security of the state” were summarized and a refined definition was provided. A universal and effective mechanism for ensuring the development of the agricultural sector in the system of economic security of the state has been developed, the functioning of which, in turn, is directly dependent on internal and external destabilizing factors and will be based on the improvement of three interconnected mechanisms: strengthening the food security of the state; increasing investment attractiveness by introducing an innovative component; optimization of agricultural sector financial support. The differences and interrelationships of the types of destabilizing factors affecting the economic security of the agricultural sector were analyzed and it was concluded that all these factors can both negatively affect the entire economic security system in the agricultural sector and be areas of constant improvement. Block proposals for strengthening the food security of the state are described. It has been proved that to be able to develop and implement these innovative methods requires significant investment injections from both the state and Ukrainian investors, as well as external investments on favorable conditions for agricultural sector entities. Proposals on optimization of financial support of the agricultural sector in the changing conditions of the present are presented.


Investment; Innovation; Destabilizing factors; National interests

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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.009.00.3725


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Copyright (c) 2021 Oksana V. Pronina, Iryna P. Dynnyk, Iryna V. Lazebna, Lina M. Shchurevych, Olena M. Krapko

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