Effects of rural-urban migration on socio-economic conditions of migrant households in district Peshawar, Pakistan
This study was focused to identify the effects of rural-urban migration on the socio-economic conditions of migrant households in District Peshawar, Pakistan.Total150 respondents sampled through proportionate sampling technique from four different locations of Peshawar city participated in the study. Data were collected from the sampled respondents on a structured questionnaire through face-to-face interview technique. Results show that the majority of the respondents migrated during 2001 and 2010. Along with the poverty and social amenities, other major reasons behind the migration in the study area were access to quality education, the war against terrorism, employment opportunities, and health issues. Majority of the joint families converted to the nuclear family system after the migration. Their economic conditions were enhanced. As far as pre and post-migration facilities were concerned, positive changes were observed in the research area. It is recommended that the government and concerned authorities should ensure the provision of basic socio-economic facilities and off-farm employment opportunities to the rural people so that the ratio of urban migration could possibly be minimized.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.009.02.3556
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