Overview of covid-19 in rural livelihood in Pakistan: its origin, transmission, symptoms, treatment

Farhana Nosheen, Nazia Malik, Anam Afzal, Waseem Nawaz


About 138 million population live in rural areas of Pakistan. Evidence confirmed that COVID-19 cases were found in rural areas of Pakistan distinctively. Vaccination is the best protection against the virus. In this paper, the main determinants, characteristics, safety precautions, and current statistics related to COVID-19 in rural areas of Pakistan are presented. This study focuses on a rural population that is highly susceptible to COVID-19 and has a relatively high fatality rate in recent months due to closer contact with humans, pets, and animals. Measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 were very successful for younger and older aged people in Pakistan. The majority of patients with COVID-19 typically initially had a sore throat, cough, pneumonia, diarrhea, and fever. The situation in Pakistan remained in control as compared to the rest of the whole world. Additionally, after a long lockdown, the second and third wave of COVID-19 also had fewer effects on the Pakistan population compared to many other countries. The best cure for the COVID-19 infection should be vaccinated and also focused on personal care, hygiene, take ample sunlight, fresh air, and ensure personal protection as well as social distancing. Moreover, the Pakistan government should provide guidelines and training to healthcare workers, and safety essentials to be imposed on people who violate standard operating procedure (SOPs) like levied penalties, sealing shops, send to jails, etc. Additionally, now that the vaccine has been introduced, adaptations to COVID-19 safety restrictions should be made and include mandatory vaccination as well as precautionary measures for all citizens.


SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; Transmission; Symptoms; Treatment; Vaccination; Personal hygiene


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.009.03.3507


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