Comparative study to analyze the communication competencies of regular vs contract based educational teachers
Communication skills include speaking, writing, reading and listening skills. These skills are equally important for the teachers to conduct teaching activities within the classrooms. The effective delivery of information among teachers could help students in improving their academic performance. This study was conducted to explore the communication skills of the teachers working on regular and contract basis in English medium schools in Lahore District. Total 84 teachers (42 regular and 42 contract teachers) participated in this study. Data were collected through questionnaire and analysed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). T-test was applied to compare the communications kills of regular and contract teachers. Findings conclude that regular and contract teachers were statistically different regarding structured sentencing, non-verbal behaviors and speaking skills (P<0.05). Low professional qualification, job insecurity, lack of pre-service and in-service trainings, interest and increased curriculum responsibilities were the significant factors (P<0.05) impeding the development of communications skills among regular and contract-based teachers. This study urges that a concrete pre-service and in-service training programs should be arranged across the educational institutions for the development of teachers. This study has strong implications for the all-educational institutions carrying teaching activities.
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DOI: 10.33687/008.03.3407
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