Investigating the factors that affect the adoption of organic agriculture in Asokwa, Kumasi Metropolis
Urban agriculture, particularly organic vegetable production is promoted because of its contribution to food security and enhanced income. More so, organic agriculture considerably enhances the income of urban farmers who practice it. The objective was to investigate the factors that affect farmers' decision to adopt organic agriculture. Due to the contamination of vegetables with conventional agriculture systems, increasing concerns about the quality of food, the health of consumers and the environmental impacts of farming systems, organic agriculture is being promoted by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture as a means of addressing the problem. Since the introduction of organic agriculture, some farmers have adopted the technology while others have not. Sixteen farmers were selected, ten from those adopting and six from those not adopting. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were used to extract data from the participants. For those who adopted, the knowledge of their parents and forefathers on agriculture and their personal experiences by comparing their organic produce with conventional ones greatly inspired their decision on adoption. Factors leading to non-adoption are: inadequate awareness about organic farming, difficulty in controlling pests, diseases and improving soil fertility and perceived lack of market for the organic vegetables. As a result, effective extension monitoring and training are recommended to enhance the adoption and sustainability of organic agriculture.
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DOI: 10.33687/008.03.3310
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