Challenges in the adoption of improved arable technologies and possible solutions: a perspective of farmers in the southern district of Botswana
This phenomenological study explored the experiences and perceptions of arable farmers in the Southern District of Botswana who have adopted improved technology in arable farming. The purpose of the study was to explore and document the experiences of farmers involved with the occurrence of technology adoption in arable farming in Botswana. A purposive selection of 16 farmers was used to identify participants for this study. Five villages which form the Southern District participated in the study. Data collected through face to face interviews recorded on audio tapes were transcribed coupled with observational field note. The face-to-face interviews were used to gather data analysed using spiral processes, concept mapping as well as thematic areas. Six predominant themes came out clearly to describe areas posing challenges that included education and training for both farmers and extension workers, climate and environmental issues, formation of farmers’ clubs and associations, economics and policy issues, and psychosocial issues. Four possible solutions were suggested to consider strengthening and supporting farmers’ organizations, increasing producer prices, providing extension workers with practical farming skills and improve farmers’ access to credit. A quantitative study would add value as it would compare the results of this study.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.007.03.3014
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