Factors perceived to influence the adoption of improved technologies in arable farming in the southern district of Botswana
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of farmers regarding the adoption of new technologies in arable farming. This was a phenomenological qualitative study conducted in the southern district of Botswana. Data was gathered from 16 purposively selected arable farmers who adopted improved technologies to enhance productivity in arable agriculture. Semi-structured interviews on a face to face survey and personal records kept upon a visit to farms were used to collect data. Both qualitative and quantitative sets of data were gathered during a visit to the farms. The study found that the majority of the arable farmers inherited their farms from their parents and were influenced by parental role models, individual family members, credit availability of social interactions, commercialisation as well as extension training workshops to adopt improved technologies. This study has shown that farmers’ perceptions regarding improved technologies to enhance productivity in arable farming are important and influenced by several factors revealed in this study. The theoretical implication of improved technologies in arable farming implies that the when technology is adopted it increases productivity in arable agriculture as compared to no technology adoption and the adoption is influenced by how farmers perceive its benefits. This study being one of the few studies in the district will add value to the importance of technology in agriculture and increase knowledge about technology to address food security issues.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.006.03.2736
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