Do EIP interactive innovation approaches interact each other?
This study wants to analyse the extent to which the different research and innovation (R&I) instruments designed under the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural productivity and sustainability (EIP-AGRI) look for synergies and intensify effective linkages with each other to strengthen the respective dynamics. The study is based on a case study representing the Italian EIP-AGRI system. Data are collected through direct interviews, semi-structured questionnaires, focus groups and workshops. This study is a preliminary investigation of more in-depth researches aimed at analysing all the complex multi-level and multi-actor dynamics and the cross-scale interactions along the whole innovation systems. The different tools and levels of EIP-AGRI management rarely seem connected. Horizon 2020 programs relate only sporadically, if at all, to the innovative projects developed by operational groups (OGs). The latter succeed in improving the local contexts dynamism, but for the most part, their effort remains confined to the local level. The study points out a lack of adequate implementation guidelines focused on multi-level and intra-sectorial governance, implementation methods related to different forms of synergies, coordination and complementarity between multi-actor projects. The paper reveals the importance of an adequate framework that defines the right interactions between programs, projects, actors and R&I contents. In the absence of these provisions, multi-actor approaches are limited to the design level and the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) is not able to develop in a more coherent system of innovation. The paper represent the first attempt to assess the effectiveness of the EIP-AGRI implementation. It points out some strengths and weaknesses of the innovation systems drawn through the EIP-AGRI concept.
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