Participatory potato (solanum tuberosum l.) variety development in Ethiopia. A review

Getachew E. Gemechu


Participatory potato variety development includes the identification of the main components, participants and stakeholders, their roles, types of interactions and constraints identified in the system. Some research result indicate that, there is a less complex potato innovation system was observed at the plot site of Ethiopia and a more complex and dynamic system was observed in the case of Peru. Many Achievements were gained by participatory potato variety development in different part of Ethiopia. In southern Ethiopia, Umbulowach, Hawassa Zuria Wereda of Sidama Zone; Marachere variety was preferred by farmers for its excellent response in yield and other traits. In Tigray region of Atsbi woreda, from seven varieties three best performing varieties:  Jalene, Gera, and Gudene were selected for their disease resistance and other quality traits. In North-western Ethiopia, With aid of CASCAPE project in South Achefer, Burie and Jabitehenan Districts, Belete variety was selected for its superior yield, disease and insect tolerance; In West shewa, at Jeldu, Dendi, Wolmera and Degem district, both Farmers Field School (FFS) and Farmers research Group (FRG) were established and a chances were given Farmers to select potato clones suitable to their conditions based on late blight disease resistance and yield.  As    a result, farmer’s ranked as 1st, a potato clone CIP–392650.516 which is the highest yielder and late blight resistant among the tested clones); in Jimma area kersa (serbo), Seka Chekorsa and Dedo Districts, Farmers select Abalolarge 1 st, abateneh 2 nd and Gudane 3 rd as three high yielder variety and in Jimma and Illuababora zone area, variety “Guasa” was selected due to its earliness, high yield advantage and market demand.


Potato plant breeding; Potato variety evaluation; Potato variety selection


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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.007.01.2651


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