Snapshot of public and private agricultural extension services in balochistan: an approaches for the discipline

Ahmed A. Mengal, Fateh M. Baloch, Akhtar A. Siddique, Zia Ur Rehman


Present study was examined the perceived limiting factors within agriculture extension system in Balochistan, Pakistan. One hundred (100) Extension Field Staff (EFS) were selected by using simple random sampling technique for the present study form the public and private extension services. A research instrument based on 5-point Likert scale was used so as to acquire the information from the EFS. Nonparametric Statistics i.e. Mann and Whitney’s U Test (1947) as appropriate between dual groups was calculated so as to find out the relationships between variables that have significance differences at p<.005. The results depicted that significant differences were found 4 out of 10 categories regarding the extension teaching methods therefore, null hypothesis 1 was rejected. Further, ten (10) statements observed to found statistical non-significant at all regarding sources of information. Hence, the HO2 was accepted in the favor of alternate hypothesis. Based on aforementioned outcomes following recommendations put-forward. Dissemination of improved and useful information’s to the farmers are the vivid encouragement tools and energizer trends about crop production dynamics in this regard, it is therefore suggested that, extension teaching methods (individuals and groups contact methods) such as demonstration plots, farm visits, home visits, uses audio-visual media, seminar, campaigns, workshops, trainings should be arranged at districts and province level so that activate the entire agricultural extension system. Active crop maximization approach should be implemented in preliminary stages in order to increases the income generations and livelihood options of the farmers.


Balochistan; linear stimulation; snapshot agricultural extension system; technology transfer


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