Women farmers’ adoption challenges on artificial inseminations service in outskirt of Addis Ababa
The study was conducted in purposively selected Oromia National Regional State aiming at to suggest strategies to better involve women farmers in Artificial Insemination service. Experts from office of livestock and fishery represented the study population. Group discussion were undertaken separately for Women and men farmers. Collected information was analyzed qualitatively and interpreted accordingly. The study found that institutional and cultural barriers hindered many number of women AI (Artificial Insemination) technicians less involved in AI service delivery. Specifically, institutions don’t encourage women applicant to apply on AI, they thought the position is full of hardship and risky for women to give a service basing in rural areas. In addition to that, the service needs some physical fitness and it would be more difficult for women to move long distance caring containers. Moreover, there is animal disease (brucella) that can be easily transmit to human and can cause gynaecological problem for women. Culturally, even if it is not boldly pronounced by the community, there is a feeling of indignity when women provide AI services. On the other hand, the community also ashamed women farmers, if they ask AI service provision. Moreover, culturally women farmers are not allowed to watch inseminations service. So, in order to increase number of women AI technicians: nominating women technicians from local communities (at least grade 8 completed) and animal science graduate, and train more in practical way would made women AI technicians to be more capable. Support women AI technicians to work privately through post payment service for a while, would raise women acceptance by community. In order to increase number of women farmers attendees on training: conduct on farm training, invite women farmers directly for training, organize training between march to May seasons, prepare pictured based training (including production manuals) would change the number of women dairy producer on AI service provision.
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DOI: 10.33687/ijae.006.02.2417
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