Recent Indian sericultural technologies revolutionized the Indian sericulture, shifting from cross-breed to bivoltine hybrid sericulture; aiming at higher production and productivity. A study, through personal interview method, on socio-economic factors influencing the adoption levels by different farming groups was conducted in three Mandals viz., Lepakshi, Penukonda and Hindupur of Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, covering 120 sericulture farmers (40 farmers randomly selected from each Mandal; n = 40) and finally grouping them into three categories viz., large, medium and small based on their mulberry acreage holding. Results on multiple regression coefficient values indicated that the large farmers are more progressive in adoption of new sericultural technologies, followed by small and medium group of farmers. The socio-economic factors like education, experience , extension contact, cocoon yield and cocoon price of all categories of farmers had positive and significant influence on the adoption level of technologies. Mass media participation had significant influence on the adoption level of technologies with the large but non-significant influence on adoption levels of both small and medium farmers. Socio-economic factors such as age, family size, social participation and number of DFLs consumption per acre had no significant influence on the adoption level of technologies among all the three categories of farmers. The results suggest that the farmers should be provided with more practical training and inputs to accelerate the rate of adoption of technologies for furthering the production and productivity in sericulture.
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