Present study was conducted to identify constraints to rice technology transfer as perceived by two groups)public and private Extension Field Staff in purposively district Jaffarabad Balochistan-Pakistan. A sample of 70 public extension field staff among them 30 EFS from private extension field staff were selected through the systematic sampling procedure by using McCall (1980) table “selecting sample size” at the 0.05 percent error rate. A comparison was made between perceptions of public and private extension field staff by using Independent Simples t-test. Researchers interest in problem-oriented research regarding rice crop techniques; cost of pesticide; and availability of required inputs for rice production was identified as the major constraints as perceived by the public EFS. On the other hand, training programs for EFS on rice technology; researcher’s interest in problem-oriented research regarding rice crop techniques; cost of labor; and resistance of farmers to adopt hybrid rice technology was identified as important constraints as identified by private extension field staff. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were suggested: Both public and private extension should strengthen the advisory services with the term of linkages and joint venture program regarding rice crop technology and dissemination in order to make sure the economic prosperity of the rice growers
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Copyright (c) 2015 Ahmed A. Mengal, Zakaria Y. Hassan, Fateh M. Baloch, Muhammad A. Tareen

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