Haji Saediman


The study aimed to better-understand (1) the performance of the PTC (Provincial Technology Commission), and (2) issues affecting, and ways of strengthening PTC to better align AIATs (Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology) programs and activities with provincial needs and priorities. The study was conducted through assessment of and discussions with PTC members in some provinces during the period of 2007-2014. The study results showed the PTCs have not been able to adequately fulfil their mandate because of problems with:  membership, perception and understanding of the PTC’s mandate, financial resources, the focus of many AIAT research activities on nationally-initiated programs, coordination between provincial and district governments, and timing of PTC meetings. To improve the effectiveness of the PTC, the following measures are suggested: improve the representativeness of stakeholders in its membership, identify and enable a more active role for the Technical Team, ensure budget support for participation of the appropriate Dinas offices, renew/review regularly the Governor’s decree,  document recommendations of each PTC meeting and disseminate to all key stakeholders,  improve AIATs’ collaboration with all PTC stakeholders, build the capacity of AIATs to enable effective knowledge exchange, and monitor the effectiveness of the PTC in bringing about better delivery of impact.


Provincial Technology Commission, AIAT, research coordination, agricultural technology, assessment.


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