International Journal of Agricultural Extension

Vol 12, No 3 (2024): Int. J. Agric. Ext.

Research Articles


International Journal of Agricultural Extension has been recognised by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan in "Y category. The edntire team of IJAE is happy for this success. In the meantime, we are indebted to all the authors for their contribution. 


Posted: 2020-11-04
EScience Press is seeking to recruit engaged and enthusiastic subject editors and reviewers for International Journal of Agricultural Extension to manage editorial processes and to guide its development as an academic journal.
Posted: 2020-03-26
We are currently accepting papers for publication in the International Journal of Agricultural Extension, a fast track peer-reviewed and open access academic journal.
Posted: 2020-03-26

If you aspire to be an author, a great place to start is EScience Press.

EScience Press is currently seeking to publish new book ideas and to work with new authors and editors, in areas of potential impact, high topicality and rapid growth across different scientific fields.

Posted: 2020-03-26
More Announcements...

International Journal of Agricultural Extension is devoted to publishing authoritative empirical research and conceptual contribution building the theory of agriculture extension especially focusing on community development through practices of agriculture extension education. 

International Journal of Agricultural Extension

International Journal of Agricultural Extension

Editor: Dr. Muhammad Zakaria Yousaf Hassan

Publisher: EScience Press
Format: Print & Online

Print Copy Provider: EScience Press

Frequency: 03

Publication Dates: April, August, December

Language: English

Scope: Agricultural Extension

Author Fees: Yes

Types of Journal: Academic/Scholarly Journal

Access: Open Access

Indexed & Abstracted: Yes

Policy: Double blind peer-reviewed

Review Time: 04-06 Weeks Approximately

Contact & Submission e-mail:


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