EScience Press specializes in offering cloud hosting and professional website solutions tailored for institutions and organizations involved in the publication of scientific journals. Our commitment is centered on ensuring the highest quality of science to drive progress in research and innovation. We facilitate international collaboration among Member Organizations through coordinated research programs across various scientific domains. Our services span the science community, encompassing journal hosting, conference hosting, monograph press, digital libraries, and archiving solutions.
For academic staff, institutions, or organizations interested in establishing their own online journals, EScience Press provides comprehensive support. We offer both static and dynamic web support throughout the publishing process, covering submission, peer-review, online publication, and secure content archiving.
Additionally, EScience Press assists in launching monograph presses for publishing online books using the Open Monograph Press (OMP) platform, an open-source software for managing editorial workflows.
In the realm of scientific conferences, we provide a range of services, including the design of conference websites, registration, advertising, printing, production, and post-publishing support.
As the landscape of digital content evolves, EScience Press addresses the challenges and opportunities in digital libraries and archives. Leveraging open-source solutions and metadata indexing systems, we offer flexible search interfaces that accommodate both simple and advanced searches, ensuring scalability and compatibility across archives.
Our commitment extends to professional web design and development services, aimed at adding value to businesses. Our dedicated and innovative team combines quality design with effective web solutions. We are adaptable, immediate, and passionate about leveraging Information Technology to enhance the value of your business.