Waste-To-Energy Incineration Plants in China


To realize high-quality waste-to-energy projects, good planning and design are of vital importance. It is a prerequisite for the success of a project. Without perfect planning and design, it is difficult to achieve good results even though great efforts had been taken. This book summarises the elements of the planning and design of waste-to-energy projects and will play a guiding role in the future construction of waste-to-energy projects in China.

The arguments in the book are based on experience in practice and are the editors’ dedication to the industry. There is still room for the development of waste-to-energy in China, and we hope that our peers will work together to create more outstanding projects.


China’s domestic waste incineration power plants have been developing for more than 30 years since 1988. The composition and calorific value of garbage, technical levels of power generation, construction standards, design concepts, planning requirements, investment models, and operation management have undergone great changes. A group of environmentally friendly investors, excellent design teams, efficient construction teams, and good operational management teams have emerged. So far, China’s waste-to-energy projects are in the world’s leading position in terms of quantity, scale, equipment capacity, and total processing capacity. A number of outstanding projects have been built, which have gradually eliminated the misunderstanding of garbage incineration among the public. Perfect planning, reasonable masterplan, novel design, good control of odor and noise, high-level technology, strict emission standards, and harmony with the surroundings, make it easier for people to accept waste-to-energy projects.

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Waste-To-Energy Incineration Plants in China


Dapeng Wang, Guangjie Zhao




EScience PRess

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eBook, Print




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