Molecular Markers Identification of Leaf Rust Resistant Genes Lr19, Lr21, Lr24, Lr47 and Lr51 in Selected Egyptian Wheat Cultivars
Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina is a common and widespread disease of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), in Egypt. Host resistance is the most economical, effective and ecologically sustainable method for controlling the disease. Molecular markers help to determine leaf rust resistance genes (Lr genes) that may be present in a large group of wheat germplasm. The objective of this study was to evaluate and detect leaf rust resistance genes in Egyptian wheat cultivars. Ten out of fifteen cultivars were resistance to leaf rust disease in four locations i.e., Dakahlia, Kafr el-Sheikh, Beheira and Sharqia during seasons 2011/2012 and 2012/2013. As for, using specific SSR primers proved that Lr19 was present in five cultivars i.e., Sakha-95, Gemmeiza-9, Gemmeiza-10, Misr-1 and Misr-2. Lr21. Lr24, Lr47, and Lr51 were detected in all tested cultivars. These genes should be taken into consideration in wheat breeding programs for successful rust resistance. Furthermore these materials can be used as a parent for plant breeders to add new effective resistance genes to their breeding materials because of the dynamic change of leaf rust races which can breakdown the resistance.
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DOI: 10.33687/phytopath.004.02.0873
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