Studies on Fungi Isolated From Dioscorea rotundata (YAM) Collected From Open Markets in Lagos Nigeria
Healthy and diseased white yams tubers (Dioscorea rotundata) were collected from three different open markets in Lagos State. Fungi were isolated from the yam twice monthly for three months. The fungi isolated were identified as Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Mucor racemosa, Botryodiplodia thoebromae and Macrophomina phaseolina. A. niger and A. flavus were found to be the most prevalent fungi isolates while the occurrence of B. thoebromae, M. phaseolina and Mucor racemosa were less prevalent. Selected fungicides (Captan, Dithane M45, Difolatan and Benlate) were assayed against the fungal isolates. Captan and Dithane showed the highest inhibitory activity against all the isolates. The proximate analysis revealed the real gradual reduction in ash, lipid and crude fibre contents in the diseased yam tubers with reference to healthy yam except protein and moisture that had an insignificant increase in the diseased yam. The results highlight the potential of the fungicides for post-harvest preservation of Dioscorea rotundata in which the viability has been reduced because of post-harvest losses.
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DOI: 10.33687/phytopath.003.03.0857
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