Genomic Variability of Corchorus Golden Mosaic Virus Originating from Bangladesh

Md. Moniruzzaman Hasan, Yoshitaka Sano


Yellow mosaic disease of jute (Corchorus capsularis) was observed on several plants in different jute growing region (Bangladesh) in April 2013. PCR assays and BLAST analysis of the DNA sequences were performed. We have cloned and sequenced eleven isolates of Corchorus golden mosaic virus (CoGMV) collected from eleven different regions in Bangladesh. DNA A sequence of CoGMV Bangladeshi (BD) isolates shared highest identity 97.3-99.1% with the Indian isolates and 93.9-94.3% with the Vietnamese isolate of CoGMV, whereas DNA B shared sequence identity 93.9-94.3% with the CoGMV isolates reported from Vietnam and India. Genetic analysis revealed that CoGMV isolates originating from Bangladesh possessed greater genetic variability than the Indian and Vietnamese isolates. This is thought to be the first report of Corchorus golden mosaic virus (CoGMV) associated with yellow mosaic disease of jute from Bangladesh


Genome; Variability; Corchorus golden mosaic virus (CoGMV)


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DOI: 10.33687/phytopath.003.02.0766


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