Optimizing Nutrient Strategies for Rice Blast Disease Control and Paddy Yield Enhancement

Shahbaz Mustafa, Amer Habib, Shahbaz T. Sahi, Waqas Wakil


Rice blast disease, caused by Pyricularia oryzae, is one of the most destructive and devastating fungal diseases affecting rice crops. Traditionally, the disease is managed through host resistance and the application of fungicides; however, the latter approach is environmentally toxic and not always feasible. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of various nutrients, both individually and in combination, for disease control. Greenhouse experiments were conducted over two consecutive years, 2019 and 2020, to assess three nutrients and their combinations against rice blast disease. The nutrient combinations of potash (20g/L) and silicon (1g/L) resulted in disease incidence reductions of 79.38% and 78.76%, respectively, compared to the application of Nativo, which achieved slightly higher reductions of 82.38% and 80.76%. Among the zinc treatments and its combinations, zinc (2g/L) and silicon (1g/L) showed disease reductions of 72.39% and 73.4% in 2021 and 202, respectively. In 2019, the combination treatment of potash (20g/L) and silicon (1g/L) yielded the highest plant height (120.03 cm), number of tillers (23.01), panicle length (28.93 cm), and number of grains per panicle (128.19). In 2020, the same treatment resulted in the highest plant height (122.61 cm), number of tillers (17.23), panicle length (28.31 cm), and number of grains per panicle (122.61). The overall results of this study suggest that the application of alternative disease management strategies not only reduces the use of chemicals but also lowers the risk of residual effects on paddy grains, thereby enhancing the export potential of paddy.


Rice; Disease; Production; Nativo; Disease incidence


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